Recruitment Call: Exploring Research Priorities for People with an Intellectual Disability who Experience Disordered Eating: A Photovoice Study

Why Get Involved?

By sharing your experiences and insights with us, you will help us to better understand the research priorities sought by individuals with Intellectual Disability who experience disordered eating, as well as help guide us through your experiences and establish best practice for future research!

Who can Participate? 

Those interested participating in the study must be:

  • Individuals AND/OR parents/carers/trusted adults of individuals with Intellectual Disability who experience disordered eating
  • Over the age of 14

What is Disordered Eating? 

Any type of eating behaviour that has a negative impact on the person's immediate or long-term health. These may include:

  • Pica - when you eat non-food items such as dirt or cotton
  • Selective eating - such as only eating a beige-coloured food
  • Binge eating - eating very large amounts of food in a short space of time
  • anorexia nervosa - eating very small amounts of food to lose weight or to change your appearance

Any Questions, or Keen to Participate?

To participate, find out more, or ask any questions about this study, please contact us at

Feel free to take a look at our recruitment flyer here!

More opportunities

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Are you an ECR focused on ED Research? Looking to stay up-to-date on research and connect and with peers? Join a UK-wide ED ECR research network hosted by the University of Edinburgh!

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Are you a parent/carer of an Autistic loved one with experience of an ED? As part of EDAC's third workstream, we are inviting you to take part in a study exploring your perspectives on peer support to inform development of future peer support programmes for parents and/or carers of Autistic loved ones with an ED!

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