Bridging the gap between autism & eating disorder research.

The Eating Disorders and Autism Collaborative (EDAC) is the beginning of a UK-wide collaborative network of autism and eating disorder researchers.

EDAC will foster new partnerships across different sectors and disciplines, working collaboratively with Autistic people with lived experience – enabling Autistic people to lead and conduct eating disorder research.

Discover more about EDAC
The Eating Disorders and Autism Collaborative (EDAC)

Opportunities to get involved

Are you Autistic with living or lived experience of an eating disorder and want to be able to support the development of new research in the field?

Are you a researcher in the field of autism and/or eating disorders and want to hear about opportunities to work collaboratively across the fields?

Are you an Early Career Researcher in the field of eating disorders and want to hear about networking opportunities?

Find out about opportunities to be part of research networks, skill development and participation in research.

Get involved with EDAC

New from the gallery

You’re Not Alone is a Photovoice* exhibition presenting the experiences and priorities of Autistic people with eating disorders.

This exhibition features photographs, drawings and digital art produced through research conducted by the Eating Disorders and Autism Collaborative (EDAC).

*Photovoice is a participatory research method that uses photography and storytelling to document and share people’s experiences.

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EDAC is a research network but we can direct you to support options.