Network Call: Opportunity to conduct research with EDAC!

What's the call about?

EDAC is keen to hear from individuals who would like to conduct innovative research in the field of autism and EDs to suggest their research proposals. While this call is not associated with specific research funding (e.g., staffing or material costs), EDAC has funds to support patient and public involvement (PPI) and participant payment between £250-£2000 per application. This call would particularly suit individuals who have innovative ideas that require further proof-of-concept or development in partnership with the Autistic and eating disorder community, but who do not have the means to support meaningful co-production. 

We are looking for...

We welcome applications from researchers (particularly early career researchers), clinicians, and peer researchers. If there are any keen applicants with limited research experience, we would ask that they contact EDAC to see if we can feasibly fund and organise a knowledgeable research team for the suggested project. 

I'm interested! How do I submit my application? 

To have a project considered, please do complete our application form and email it to EDAC by the 29th of August

We anticipate that accepted projects would begin in late 2024 and will be completed by 6 months

If you are interested in hearing more, please contact us for more information.

More opportunities

We are interested in exploring the experience of delivering and receiving Family Based Treatment for eating disorders with Autistic young people.

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Have you had experiences regarding transitioning between child/adolescent and adult health services for an eating disorder (ED)? EDAC researchers at the University of Edinburgh are recruiting individuals familiar with ED service transitions.

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Are you an Autistic individual with lived experience of an eating disorder (ED)? EDAC researchers are conducting recruitment for individuals to participate in an arts-based study using Photovoice methods, which involves a series of online or in-person workshops using pictures and images to explore experiences!

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